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Coleman’s County Commissioner Column

Upcoming events

• Aubrey 380 Area Chamber of Commerce – networking luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on July 15 at Prairie House Restaurant in Cross Roads. Admission is $13. Send an email to Donna Sims at

• Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce – business and networking luncheon from noon to 1 p.m. on July 22 at Babe’s Chicken Dinner Housee at 204 N. 4th St. Admission is $10. RSVP to, 940-458-7702 or send an email to

• Sanger Insurance at 905 W. Chapman Drive is collecting bottled water and sports drinks in June and July for the Sanger Fire Department. Donations can be delivered to the office from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

• Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce is planning a monthly luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on July 8. The luncheon will feature Dr. Alise Cortez, chief purpose officer at Dr. Alise Cortez and Associates, who will present: Take Charge: Live with Passion, Work on Purpose, Lead with Inspiration. The luncheon will be at Mrs. Lively’s Cajun Connection at 721 E. Hundley Dr. Go to to register.

Regional road and bridge updates

FM 2181 North-South – A $37.6 million project to widen FM 2181 from two lanes to a six-lane divided roadway from the Denton/Corinth city limits to Lillian Miller Parkway is expected to be complete in November 2021. Activities expected include City of Denton water lines, storm water drainage lines and culverts; lime treatment subgrade; concrete removal; SW3P activities; barricades; general clean-up.

U.S. 380/U.S. 377 – (Loop 288 to U.S. 377) – Frontier is splicing and Oncor relocations should be complete by mid-June. The project let on June 4, 2020. Apparent low bidder is Ragle Construction, Inc. with a low bid of $21,269,536.66, at 33.15% over the engineer’s estimate. There are 800 working days and 39 months of barricades.

U.S. 380 East ¬– (U.S. 377 to Collin County line) – Utility coordination meeting held virtually on May 28, 2020.

U.S. 377 North –Ongoing property owner contacts are being made as follow-up to e-mail comments generated from the virtual public meeting. TxDOT provided 60% review comments on April 23, 2020. TNP addressed TxDOT comments and submitted 95% schematic on May 24, 2020.

U.S. 380 Feasibility Study –NCTCOG and TxDOT met on June 2, 2020, to discuss. NCTCOG to run additional models for different integrated corridor alignments and concurred with TxDOT’s alignment alternatives.

FM 428 – Project is from Loop 288 to West Sherman Drive/proposed outer loop. TxDOT is negotiating with HDR to initiate efforts on the FM 428 feasibility study as a separate work authorization. TxDOT met with NCTCOG to discuss alternative alignments.

FM 1385 – The preliminary drainage report was submitted to TxDOT for review on May 28, 2020. The 30% schematic is underway and expected to be submitted to TxDOT on June 23, 2020.

FM 2931 – Aerial survey was received in late May 2020. The 30% schematic is underway and is scheduled to be submitted to TxDOT on June 19, 2020. Virtual public meeting is scheduled for July 7, 2020. Meeting materials will be posted on

FM 455 – From west of FM 2450 to east of Marion Road; the project is slated to have 100% plans ready in September 2020 with a January 2022 let date. Received approval of bridge submittal on June 11, 2020. Profile updates are in progress; consultant is updating retaining wall location and drainage to match ultimate design location. Consultant continues adjusting roadway profile to take drainage runoff to the roadway, adjusting driveway profiles based on roadway profile adjustments, checking driveway grades and tie-in points, and evaluating driveways for retaining walls. Consultant is coordinating with commercial property owner on FM 455 to adjust driveway to allow large delivery trucks access; this will require adjusting culvert headwall. Consultant and TxDOT to meet for Traffic Control Plan review on June 18, 2020. Anticipate submittal of 95% plan in mid-July 2020. Consultant submitted revised Railroad Exhibit A for approval on May 27, 2020. Utility coordinating meeting to be held on June 23, 2020.

I-35 at FM 455 – Estimated cost of reconstruction of approximately 4,500 feet of I-35 over FM 455 is projected at $27,231,547 with a let date of August 2022. Received approval of bridge submittal on June 11, 2020. Profile updates are in progress; consultant is updating retaining wall location and drainage to match ultimate design location. Consultant and TxDOT Dallas District to meet for Traffic Control Plan review on June 18, 2020. Anticipate 95% plan set submittal in mid-July 2020. Utility relocation coordinating meeting to be held on June 23, 2020.

I-35 North (Segments 1 and 2) – The project from U.S. 377 to FM 3002 is projected to cost $573,740,000 with a ready to let date of October 2022 and a let date of December 2022. TxDOT has reviewed plan set and provided comments to consultant.

I-35E/Mayhill – This $62.2 million project to reconstruct the interchange at Mayhill and I-35E is projected to begin in June 2022. The 95% plans are underway and are expected in July 2020; the 95% plan set will incorporate traffic and final survey. Level A SUE north of Mayhill and south of Loop 288 is underway and is expected to be complete in June 2020.

I-35/35E/35W Merge – Consultant addressed comments and submitted second draft of pre-30% plans on May 26, 2020. The 30% plans were submitted on June 5, 2020. TxDOT to discuss aesthetics with City of Denton. For U.S. 380 bridge, the District has decided to utilize 18’6” clearance on main lanes and turnarounds since U.S. 380 is a truck route. Level B SUE data collection is complete for -090, and consultant is reviewing.

I-35E/Loop 288/Brinker/Mayhill – This $27.5 million project was expected to be completed in June 2020. TxDOT is working to complete the punch list.

I-35E/US 77/Dallas Drive Interim Improvements – TxDOT to review possibility of design and construction to address safety concerns at I-35E exit to Dallas Drive, the northbound I-35E service road where it crosses the northbound exit ramp, and the southbound lanes of Dallas Drive.

I-35E/Dobbs/Lake Sharon – This project involves reconstruction of the interchange and existing frontage roads. TxDOT held a pre-scoping meeting for the project the first week of June 2020.

County road and bridge updates

Arvin Hill Road Project US 377 to Red Mesa – Red Mesa to New Hope construction completed . New Hope to US 377 scheduled completion September 2020.

U.S. 377/Stewart/Arvin Hill Intersection Improvements – Preconstruction meeting held. Notice to Proceed will be issued on July 6, 2020 and scheduled completion in November 2020.

Rockhill Road/Arvin Hill Road Project Red Mesa to UP RR – Revisions to 100% plans for USACE comments underway. Utility relocation coordination ongoing.

Sam Bass Road Project - FM 455 North of Nance Road – Construction started. Estimated completion November 2020.

Pecan Valley Road Culvert Replacement – Construction started. Estimated completion May 2020.

Hackberry Creek Park Road Project – Construction request and mitigation plan submitted to USACE.

Lois Road West Culvert Replacement – Survey and Engineering study ongoing.

Rector Road West Culvert – Construction completed and road now open.

Hickory Creek Road Street Lights – Oncor has completed installation of street lights. Project completed.

Indian Trail Improvements – Engineering underway. Estimate 100% plans and bid package October 2020.

Mayhill Road –Punch-list items continue to be addressed for water, sanitary sewer, streets, and drainage. Sodding, striping, and minor work continues.

Dallas North Tollway, Extension 4B – NTTA continues making minor revisions to plans. NTTA anticipates advertising the project in July 2020, with bid opening in August and approval of construction contract in September. Anticipate start of construction in October or November 2020, with a two-year construction timeframe.

Lake Sharon Extension – Corinth held pre-construction meeting with Wildstone on June 10, 2020. Construction recommenced on June 15, 2020.

Sam Bass Road – From FM 455 to approximately 500 feet north of Nance Road, this estimated $3.5 million project will be rebuilt as a two-lane rural road and realign the intersection with FM 455. Current activities include headwall construction. Embankment and lime stabilization scheduled for next month.

Shady Shores Road –An estimated $10 million in STBG funds have been allocated for this project. TxDOT has drafted a funding agreement. Consultant submitted scope for review. ITS has reviewed and provided feedback.

Denton County Precinct One Commissioner Hugh Coleman can be reached at (940) 349-2810. The main office is located at 1175 Union Hill Road in Sanger. He is also available by appointment only at the Steven E. Copeland Government Center at 1400 FM 424, Suite 139 in Cross Roads or the Denton County Courthouse-on-the-Square at 110 W. Hickory St., Suite 323 in Denton.

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