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Two options offered: In-Person Learning and Online-Learning

Sanger ISD released plans last week to reopen on August 24, 2020. They are committed to reopening safely and continue to prepare for possible scenarios in the 2020-2021 school year. Sanger ISD formed a committee of district personnel and principals to create plans for opening the school year as safely as possible but also to provide a robust learning experience for all students. They are offering two options: In-Person Learning and Online-Learning. No matter which plan parents use for their children, they are asking everyone to register online at

According to Texas Education Agency (TEA) guidelines, SISD as a district cannot ask you to commit to your choice of learning platform for your child until two weeks prior to the start of school.

The Texas Education Agency issued guidance to schools on July 7, 2020, that outlines a large number of mandates and recommendations. “As you explore our plans, please know that SISD will adhere to required guidelines and consider recommendations provided by a number of governing agencies including Texas Education Agency (TEA), University Interscholastic League (UIL), Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Centers for Disease Prevention (CDC), and local health departments as well as the executive orders of Governor Greg Abbott. PLEASE NOTE: The details are a framework for reopening buildings and are subject to change as directives are provided by governing authorities and/or health officials or as environmental conditions change.”

The In-Person Learning option is available to those parents who want their child to attend a traditional school setting. Once this pathway is chosen, a parent can choose to change their child to Online Learning at any time by providing their request in writing to the campus principal. Once a child transitions to Online Learning, they must agree to all of the expectations listed in the Online Learning option section.

Sanger ISD is committed to ensuring a safe environment for all those who choose the In-Person Learning option. SISD is asking for parent support by ensuring that:

Students who show symptoms of COVID-19 are kept home.

Provide supplies for students as needed as we will be limiting the sharing of supplies.

Honoring the closed campus by sending a lunch with students or purchasing lunches through the online portal at MealPayPlus: or 1-877-237-0946

The staff of Sanger ISD will provide a safe environment by:

Self-screen prior to coming to campus.

Cleaning and sanitizing according to CDC guidelines.

Provide instruction on proper handwashing as well as the use of hand sanitizer and disinfecting products.

Provide an environment that maintains social distancing where feasible.

As part of the Online Learning option, Sanger ISD will provide a robust curriculum that includes video lessons and grade-level appropriate assignments and assessments that follow the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. SISD will support students as they achieve mastery in every skill, ensuring that each student receives instruction and support as needed during Online Learning.

The Online Learning option is available for those parents who have concerns with sending their students to a traditional setting due to COVID-19. Once this pathway is chosen, students must continue in the same pathway for the entire nine weeks. Parents/guardians who wish to change from online learning to in-person learning must submit their request in writing no later than October 9 for a return to in-person learning for the second nine weeks, December 11 for the third nine weeks, and February 26 for the fourth nine weeks. Parents and students will be required to participate in an Online Learning Launch Meeting and sign an Online Learning Contract that outlines Parent, Student, and District Expectations.

Students who participate in Online Learning will be following the same curriculum as those who are participating in In-Person Learning. Daily attendance will be taken and there are a required number of minutes for each grade level. All Sanger ISD grading policies posted in the handbook will be followed for both remote and in-person learning.

See information about registration on page 5 of the Sanger News.

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