City of Sanger Street Rehabilitation underway
The City of Sanger’s contractor Reynolds Asphalt, will be doing street rehabilitation on several downtown streets. (See the map to the left for impacted streets) Areas of Wood, Marshall, Denton, Church, 7th, and S. Manor Court. The City apologizes for any traffic disruption and equipment noise that may be created as a result of the work. They will strive to ensure you are inconvenienced as little as possible during this process. The City is asking you to help keep the projects on schedule. PLEASE DO NOT PARK VEHICLES ON THE IMPACTED STREET DURING THE FOLLOWING Dates: 07/24/23 through 09/01/23 and Times: (7 am—7 pm).
If you have any questions, please direct all correspondence to the Street Superintendent, John Henderson (940) 458- 2571. “We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this rehabilitation process.”